My Portfolio Evaluation Question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We were using Sony 8.9 Megapixel hand held cameras to film our work. The cameras have shooting and camera modes this allows us to use the cameras for anything realted to the shots in the task. We used various filming techniques such as running with the camera to create a fast pace. We also shot out the back window of a car by forcing the camera into the bottom left corner of the window frame in order to keep the camera steady over the uneven ground.

Finally, we used Premiere Pro to edit our scene, we found the software relativly easy to use after a certain level of practice. The software allowed us to edit each shot respectivly. It also allowed us to include certain effects into our work such as fade in and outs. Most importantly it allowed us to introduce subtitle and music into our work which was important when producing a polish film for a british audience. The software also allowed us to include a vital slow mo in our clip when the fast paced car scene changes to a slow mo. Finally the software allowed us to make the transitions between each shot smooth.

We used YouTube to upload our film opening. We uploaded two versions of the film the first draft and final cut. This allows us to now compare the two versions of the film. It also allows us to see the improvement we have made since the first draft of the film. The film has also been put in a roll of various films from our school this allows an independent unbias audience such as the examiner to make a judgement on the standard of the film.

We used this software to edit the sound for our film. This allowed us to get the sound to last for the correct amount of time to fit our need for the sound. We have two songs that cover the majority of the film. It was important to get an appropriate change/transition for the music to represent the change in pace of the film. We had to use the approporiate fades in sounds in order to achieve this.

We used had two main uses for Adobe photoshop. Creating our independent film logs and our posters and advertisment pictures for our film. An example of both are below... We needed are poster to be quite dark and gloomy to resembale our film. Our posters varied as they have no real relation to the film.

We used the above two to present our film. Prezi allows you to give a far more professional presentation than perhaps Microsoft's powerpoint. We used a mind map option as it was appropriate for when we were exchanging ideas on the way in which the film should be produced.

Blogger was vital throughout the entire production of the film. We used it too store all our work and ideas. We used it for helping each other within our groups. We used it for evaluation and the planning of our tasks. Without blogger our work would have been very scattered and unprofessional. However, using Blogger it allowed us to see our progress and outstanding work.