My Portfolio Evaluation Questions 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

5- Due to our film being a polish world cinema film we would have a relatively small target audience such as middle class, cultured media students. Those students would have to be interested in low budget action films to appreciate and enjoy our film. Action films are of one of the most viewed filmed categories so our film being in this genre will perhaps attract some action film lovers. However, action films are stereotypically very high budget with scenes of expensive car chases and ruthless fights scenes. With our film having no budget, it is impossible for us to deliver these types of scenes. We used the limited resources we had available to us in order to attempt to build tension and demonstrate aggression. We wanted to show our audience the boy on the bikes face straight away so that they were aware of his importance in the film. We then used pace to show the significance of the boy being sighted we did this by showing him leisurely cycle up the hill and then after making eye contact using a change of pace to show his urge to escape the men. During the chase scene it was important that we were able to maintain a relatively close distance between the car and the bike to show the chase was fundamental. At the point the boy realises the bike is no longer usable he has to make a fast switch from cycling to running; it was important that this manoeuvre was smooth yet realistic. We then see the chase on foot occur, the reason for the inclusion of the heavy breathing was to highlight the fear within the boy on the bike. The spit was a key element in the film as it showed the disgust and hatred between the two groups. We had the option of faking the spit however we believed it would lose its creditability and realism which is the reason we opted for the real spot. The shot of the bag being taken from the lifeless body was also key as it highlighted to the audience the lack of mercy shown by the men. This allows the audience to question further who they support in the situation.

This is a video of people reviewing our film. The interview includes media students, non-media students and students involved in producing the film. These are the type of people we would be targeting with our film. This makes their reviews and opinions especially important to us. We wanted to do a reasonably high number of interviews whilst keeping them short this was so we could get an overall perspective  of our clip. The majority of the people interviewed in this clip had seen Poscig progressing due to them also being media students. We showed each interviewee the clip immediately before their interview just to refresh their memory of our film. Although, some of the people interviewed in this clip below had only been able to see the clip once such as Kathryn, Lily, Dan and Louise

Non-Production team Responses:
  1. What was your favourite part of the film?
  2. What was your least favourite bit of the film?
  3. What would you score our film out of 60?
  4. Would you watch the rest of the film?
Production team Responses:
  1. What changes have we made from the first draft of the film?
  2. How happy are you with the final cut of the film?
  3. What would you score your film overall out of 60?

Non-Production Team responses: Questions 1 to 4:

1. The majority of responses were that the best part of the clip was the Slow-Mo on the bike. The shot went from a fast moving car tracking scene to slow-mo shot in which the man on the bike slowly turned his head to face the car. This shot took many takes due to the logistics of having the car bend round the corner at speed, the bike maintaining speed over broken ground and the bike staying in line with the car.

2. There was a mix of two answers to this question. These answers included a slight problem with the accents and the fall of the running man. I believe these to be relatively small problems with our film, our accents are unlikely to be perfect due our low acting ability. For our film to be professionally made we could be using actors with a far higher ability or even polish actors. With regards to the fall or trip we would most likely have to re-film the scene so that the trip appears more realistic to the audience.

3. Our films scores ranged from 48-55 showing that the audience enjoyed our film and thought it was of a high quality. If we were to score around 51 we would be very satisfied with our films results.

4. Every single individual we interviewed said that they would like to watch the rest of the film if they could this is very encouraging for us and demonstrated to us that our film was successful and that the audience liked it.

Production Team Responses: Question 1 to 3:

1. The fundamental thing that arose regarding changes to our film was the inclusion of subtitles and the change of the song for the chase scene. The music is a massive part of our film its really effective and fits with the picture well. When comparing the final cut with the first draft you can see the effective that the change in music has had on the production. We also increased the amount of speech which made it even more important to include subtitles in the film.

2. Every single member of the production team said they were happy and proud of the film. This was the most important thing for us that we were happy with our own work.

3. our production team scored our work: 48,51,50 and 55. Our work was challenging due to the forgien nature which is why our production team believes our work merits this sort of mark.