Art of the title

Art of the title
A title sequence is the method by which cinematic films or television programs present their title, key production and cast members.

The function of a title sequence is to introduce the film and to give the audience information about the cast members in the film and the people behind it.

21 Jump Street

Use Of Text (typeography)

The text used is in all different colours and sizes, this may be giving us a clue that the film is something different, nothing is the same. Its bold writing stands out to us and makes us interested in it. The background colour red almost looks like blood and draws and audience to it.

Use of visual imagery/ sounds/elements

There is no real imagery used in this title. There is only pretty standard background colours inputted with no images in the background. From the title you can not really get an idea of sounds because there are no images to get a clue what the film is about.


The mood that I personally get when I look at this title is almost a dull one, there are not really any bright uplifting colours and it makes me feel like this film could be a horror the way the title is displayed.