Art of the Title

1. What is the definition of a Title Sequence?

A title sequence is the method by which cinematic films or television programs present their title, key production and cast members, or both, utilising conceptual visuals and sound. It usually follows but should not be confused with the opening which are generally nothing more than a series of superimposed text.

2. What is the function of a Title Sequence?

The function of a title sequence is to make clear to the audience who is behind the events in the movie and who deserved crediting for the film.

3. Name three films featured in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence?

a) Juno
b) Social Network
c) Alien

4. Select a film Title Sequence shown in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence and discuss how the Title Sequence uses Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements and what kind of mood/feeling is created as a result? Name of chosen Film Title Sequence: Use of Typography Elements (text): Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling:

Star wars is shown in the title sequences we can see it in bold yellow letters against the blackness of space with a few visible stars. This allows it to stand out and be remembered by the audience. The font is very individual which makes it memorable for the audience the idea of using this technique is so when people see the font they instantly relate it to Star Wars.

5. What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film?

When you see the title sequence you can clearly see the sci-fi nature of the film. With the darkness of space in the background it shows us that the film will be based in space.

6. Select another film Title Sequence shown in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence and discuss how the Title Sequence uses Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements and what kind of mood/feeling is created as a result? Name of chosen Film Title Sequence: Use of Typography Elements (text): Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling: (1)

Another memorable Title sequence in the clip is that of Dawn of the Dead. The reason the title is so memorable as a disturbing image is shown and then the red words of  the title are displayed across a black background. the letters appear to be scrawled in blood which makes the tittle even more griping. it is the stand out of these elements that make the title so memorable.

7. What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film?

The typography suggests the film might be quite gory and perhaps fitting into the horror genre. The reason for this is the use of blood and the shocking image previous to the title are two key clues that the film will be of the horror style.

8.Visit the following website: and watch the 6 Film Title Sequence created by Richard Morrison. What kind of nuance does Richard Morrison look for when creating a Title Sequence? Select 2 of the 6 Morrison Title Sequences (CHOICE: Brazil, Batman, High Fidelity, The Dreamers, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Vantage Point) and answer the following questions: Name of 1st chosen Film Title Sequence created by Richard Morrison: Use of Typography Elements (text): Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling:

Typography Elements- We see the classic batman colours of black and yellow. The Font is very clear and stands out well against the black background. We seem to travel during the title sequence and at a face pace as well which gives that Sci-Fi feel instantly.
Visual/ Sound elements-  We here a big band playing over the image which suggest Batman is quite grand and respectful. However, the darkness suggests the danger is quite high and that keeps you on edge.
Created mood/feeling- The idea of danger is presented from the visual but you are reassured at the grand nature of the superhero; Batman.

9. What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film?

From the title sequence we can tell that this Batman is respected and appreciated we can also tell the Sci-fi/ Action nature of the film by the pace we travel in the visual element.

10. What does Richard Morrison explain about the Film Title Sequence?

Morrison explains that he wanted to create a classical timeless feel to the title sequence and he achieved this using the traditional black and yellow colours and a big band song played over the top.

11. Does Richard Morrison feel the Film Title Sequence was successful, why or why not? (1) Name of 2nd chosen Film Title Sequence created by Richard Morrison: (1) Use of Typography Elements (text): (1) Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: (1) Mood/feeling: (1)

12. What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film? (1)

13. What does Richard Morrison explain about the Film Title Sequence?

14. Does Richard Morrison feel the Film Title Sequence was successful, why or why not? (1) New Film Title Sequence Questions Chosen Film: Rating: Why did you choose this film? Discuss how the film’s existing Title Sequence uses Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements and what kind of mood/feeling is created as a result? Use of Typography Elements (text): Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling: Discuss how the film’s New Title Sequence (created by you) uses Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements and what kind of mood/feeling is created as a result? Use of Typography Elements (text): Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling: What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film? >