Juno Clip

This is my Juno clip that i made with Jack Jordan. the idea of the clip was to make it as accurate as possible and as close to the real juno opening scene.

Overall i believe our filming and editing went very, when our clip was reviewed people picked up on our smooth and accurate transitions. We spent quite a lot of time trying to find the most accurate transitions to match the clip we felt this was important as focusing on the small details of a clip allows you to get a good overall sense of the clip.

However on a couple of scene's the shots were not quite at the right angle so when reviewing the clip we could change those in order to improve the accuracy of the clip.

Another aspect we could improve is our tracking shots, the camera was quite jumpy in future we could use alternative ideas such as putting the camera on a box with wheels so that the picture does not jump.

A strong part of our video was the accurate time allocations for each scene the video matches the real clip very well which ans our shot times were good and our transition times also good.

An idea used my Sam and Charlie was to have really bright camera setting, letting a lot of light into the camera gave a contortionist feel due to similar colours blending into one.